Osman Mebusan Medis de alman Misakim kararlarından bazlariniarder * Manos Aleges Anetastas imzaland strada soal edimeng dan berbarin lumu, aynima tertutunut
Bali Trakya'nin durumu orada yaşayan halkın serbestçe vervangi oylaria bereme dr.
Tam bagimsalığın sağlanabilmesi için mill ve ekonomik gelişmemi engelleen her umunyasi advemalla
Buna göre Misalumi ile ilgili asagidak orden hangisine ulaşılamaz?
A) Kaplulasyonlara karşı kimişler
B) Turk yurdunun sınırları bedenmiştur
Di Balikya'nin gelece hakın iradesine birakmşir
1. It's rude to eat with your mouth open.
2. Are you absolutely certain about doing it?
3. I am addicted to watching sports on TV, but I'm not really into playing!
4. Study immediately before going to sleep. You'll remember a lot more the next day.
5. We were unlucky to lose the game, we deserved to win.
6. I don't mind being alone, but it's better to be with other people.
7. What you don't want to remember, you forget (?)
8. Playing games is a fun way of improving your memory skills.
9. Experts say that it is pretty dangerous to do bungee jumping.
10. Most people are worried about losing their job, so they're trying best at working.
11. I was really so surprised to see you. I was happy to come.
12. It is impossible to succeed, if you are not ready to work hard.