1. Просто Past Simple. Become- инфинитив. "В 1712 году Астана стала столицей России." 2. Простое настоящее. Present Simple. Be - инфинитив. "Для жителей Астаны набережная Невы - одно из красивейших мест в мире." 3. Простое Past Simple. Get - инфинитив. "Астана получила своё имя в в 1703 году." P.S. "its" будет правильно, а не "it's", а то предложение грамматически не правильно построено. 4.1. Простое настоящее. Present Simple. " Теперь не выйдет, т.к. у меня много работы." 4. Простое настоящее. Present Simple. "Они делают покупки каждый день.
The best time in his life a person spends in school. School is the place where we learn everything new. I, as a person involved in sports, love my school very much, because we have a wonderful sports hall and playground. Our school is also large and bright. Teachers do everything to make it comfortable in the classrooms, and we are happy to help them! We have a large library, a cozy dining room and a beautiful assembly hall. But, of course, the favorite place for many students is the gymnasium, where you can play your favorite games, as well as work out in sports. There are many events in our school that have already become a tradition: "Autumn Ball", "Minute of Glory", "Apprentice of the Year". Separately want to talk about teachers. After all, they try to teach us many things that will then come in handy in life. They are kind and wise, and you can always turn to them for help. I love my school a lot.
Past Simple.
Become- инфинитив.
"В 1712 году Астана стала столицей России."
2. Простое настоящее.
Present Simple.
Be - инфинитив.
"Для жителей Астаны набережная Невы - одно из красивейших мест в мире."
3. Простое
Past Simple.
Get - инфинитив.
"Астана получила своё имя в в 1703 году."
P.S. "its" будет правильно, а не "it's", а то предложение грамматически не правильно построено.
4.1. Простое настоящее.
Present Simple.
" Теперь не выйдет, т.к. у меня много работы."
4. Простое настоящее.
Present Simple.
"Они делают покупки каждый день.