B: well jess what have you been doing this morning? J: oh, it's been really busy. I've been going round all the different departments to see what they do. What about you? Have you seen anything interesting? B: I (1) managed to see finance department, accounts and personnel. J: that doesn't sound very exciting. B: no you're right. But this afternoon I'm going to see the art department where they (2) make the designs for all the magazines. J: yes, I (3) have been to that department already. They (4) are making some fascinating pictures today but they don't always have such interesting material, they said. And the editors (5) are always doing things at the last moment, which (6) makes everyone very irritable. B: and I hear that the art editor has a very short temper. J: don't worry, he's not there today. He (7) has gone to some exhibition. B: oh good. Hey who's that man over there? He (8) has been looking at us since we came in. J: the one by the door? I don't know. He (9) looks like a lawyer or something, not a journalist. Perhaps he (10) has only come here to look round, like us. B: careful, he (11) He is heading this way. M: excuse me, are you the two trainees who (12) are spending the day here? J: that's right M: (13) Are you enjoying yourselves? B: er,yes. Thank you. But - M: oh yes. I'm David Gordon. I (14) run this company.
Люди повиннi бачити лiкарiв, якщо вони мають кашель, високу температуру або деякi iншi симптоми деяких захворювань. Ящко ти захворiв, ти спочатку повинен звернутися до свого мiсцевого лiкаря. Так що ти повинен сходити на прийом до лiкаря. Хвороба звичайно характеризуеться комплексом особливих симптомiв та ознак, лiкар попросить тебе описати симптоми твого захворювання. Потiм вiн подивиться твiй пульс, твiй язик, послухае твое серце та легенi та перевiрить твою температуру. Вiн або вона нададуть тобi лiкування та вiдправять на прийом до спецiалiста.Спецiалiсти звичайно працюють у медичних центрах або у лiкарнях. Спецiалiсти протестують тебе та випишуть деякi лiкувальнi пилюлi, таблетки або деякi iншi препарати, якi ти можеш купити у аптецi. Якщо ти дуже хворий щоб йти на прийом до лiкаря, оставайся у лiжку i вiдправ за лiкарем. Якщо ти попав у аврiю, ты идеш до департаменту швидкои до наближчегои лiкарнi. Iнодi люди повиннi залишатись у лiкарнi на декiлька днiв або тижднiв. Хiрурги роблять операцii, медсестри доглядають за пацiентами. Лiкарi вiдвiдують своiх пацiентiв у лiкарнi часто. Сьогоднi е ьагато приватних лiкарнь. Так що ти можеш пiйти на прийом до особового лiкаря або зубного. Ти повенен оплачувати здесь, але це звичайно швидше. Сьогоднi багато людей можут отримати приватне лiкування.Щоб бути здоровим чоловiк повинен мати здоровий образ життя: робити регулярнi фiзичнi вправи, бути на вулицi кожен день, iсти тiльки здорову iжу та отримувати достатньо сна. Здесь е ще двi кориснi речi ждя твого здоров'я: приймати регулярно вiтамiни та робити медичний огляд раз на рiк
J: oh, it's been really busy. I've been going round all the different departments to see what they do. What about you? Have you seen anything interesting?
B: I (1) managed to see finance department, accounts and personnel.
J: that doesn't sound very exciting.
B: no you're right. But this afternoon I'm going to see the art department where they (2) make the designs for all the magazines.
J: yes, I (3) have been to that department already. They (4) are making some fascinating pictures today but they don't always have such interesting material, they said. And the editors (5) are always doing things at the last moment, which (6) makes everyone very irritable.
B: and I hear that the art editor has a very short temper.
J: don't worry, he's not there today. He (7) has gone to some exhibition.
B: oh good. Hey who's that man over there? He (8) has been looking at us since we came in.
J: the one by the door? I don't know. He (9) looks like a lawyer or something, not a journalist. Perhaps he (10) has only come here to look round, like us.
B: careful, he (11) He is heading this way.
M: excuse me, are you the two trainees who (12) are spending the day here?
J: that's right
M: (13) Are you enjoying yourselves?
B: er,yes. Thank you. But -
M: oh yes. I'm David Gordon. I (14) run this company.