a) 1. Do you often go to see your friends?
I go to see them once ot twice a week.
2. How often do your friends come to see you?
They come to see me two or three times a week.
3. How often do you spend the week-end with your friends?
I spend almost every week-end with my friends.
4. How often do you go to the theatre (to the cinema) together?
We go to the cinema together once or twice a month.
5. When did you last go to the theatre? -
We last went to the theatre two months ago.
b) 1. When did you begin learning English?
I began learning English when I was 9 years old.
2. Do you spend much time on your English?
Yes, do. I spend a lot of time on my English.
3. How much time do you usually spend on your homework?
I usually spend about an hour and a half.
4. How many questions does the teacher usually ask you in class?
It depends on the school subject. (Зависит от предмета.)
If it's English, the teacher usually asks me two or three questions.
5. How well do you usually know your lesson?
Usually I know it well.
c) 1. When do you usually get up on weekdays?
On weekdays I get up at 7 o'clock.
2. What do you do then?
I go to the bathroom to wash my face and clean my teeth.
3. Do you wake up your children early in the morning?
I don't have any children. / Если у вас есть дети, то можно ответить так: Yes, I do. или No, I don't.
4. Do they wake up at once?
Yes, they do. / No, they don't.
5. Do they go to bed early or late?
They g to bed early.
d) 1. When do you usually have dinner (breakfast, supper)?
I have breakfast at half past seven, I have dinner at 2 o'clock and supper at 7 in the evening.
2. Do you have dinner at home or at your office?
I have dinner at home.
3. Where are you going to have dinner today?
Today I'm going to have dinner at home.
e) 1. Did you go to the country for the last weekend or did you stay in town?
I went to the country.
2. How often do you spend the weekend in the country?
I very often spend the weekend in the country.
3. When did you last go to the country?
I last went to the country two days ago.
4. Where do you want to spend next weekend?
I want to spend next weekend in town.
5. Are you going to the country again?
No, Im not.
Привет [имя]! Сейчас лежу, греюсь под ярким и нежным Мексиканским солнышком возле Карибского моря. Как же хорошо! Мы с [имя/имена] каждый день наслаждаемся вкуснейшими блюдами, которые нам подают на завтрак. Затем мы идем в отель, играем там в разные настольные игры. Перед обедом играем с местными людьми в волейбол. После обеденного времени идём на водяные горки, время пролетает так быстро, что солнце уже клониться к горизонту, но не уходит за него. Очень нравятся концерты которые проходят там каждый вечер, не пропустили еще не одного. в общем-то на этом всё, очень хочу что-бы ты тоже с летал в Мексику, тут очень весло и инересно!
Если не жалко, можно мне " "?
Я не шарю в английском, но попробую.