Timmy Alan Complete the sentences. Посмотри на семейное дерево. Составь предложение. Узнай кем являются эти люди Тимми. My name is Timmy- Меня зовут Тимми. 1. Jennifer is my ... 2. Helen is my ... 3. Alan is my ... 4. Walter is my ... 5. Jack is my ... 6. Frank is my... 7. Nancy is my... 8. Linda is my...
Dear Ben, Thanks a lot for your recent letter. Sorry I haven't written before. I was really busy with my school project. In your letter you ask me about Flag Day. Well, in Russia we celebrate Flag Day every year on August 22. Russian flag is a tricolor flag: white on the top, blue in the middle and red on the bottom. The colour white represents peace and purity, the colour blue is the colour of faith and truth, the colour red symbolizes courage and blood that warriors shed for the Fatherland. Sorry, I'd better go to sleep now. Hope to hear from you soon! Love, N
1.The population growth is the main cause of environmental pollution. 2. In the twentieth century, the population of the planet has increased more than ever in the history of human existence. 3. If this trend continues, in the next century the world population will double.4. Before 1900, many children born did not survive to adult age and, thus, could not have children of their own.5. In 1950 the average life expectancy in the U.S. was 57 years.6. People in these parts of the world began to immunize children have reduced child mortality.7. Already there are signs that in some parts of the world, population growth begins to decrease-Xia.8. In countries where the population grows at 2% per year, the number of inhabitants will advai place every 34 years.9. If the population growth is high in these and other countries, attempts to reduce the rate of growth will be in vain.10. Russia's population is declining sharply, as is born less and less children.