1. I waited in the lounge while my room was being cleaned.
2. This castle was built in the 16th century.
3. The house is filled with light and sunshine due to large windows.
4. Jane has been offered a well-paid job. She is happy.
5. This coat was bought 2 years ago.
6. My car is being repaired at the moment.
7. The stadium will be opened next month.
1. Я ждал в гостиной, пока убирали мою комнату.
2. Этот замок был построен в 16 веке.
3. Дом наполнен светом и солнечными лучами благодаря большим окнам.
4. Джейн предложили хорошо оплачиваемую работу. Она счастлива.
5. Это пальто было куплено 2 года назад.
6. Мою машину сейчас ремонтируют.
7. Стадион откроют в следующем месяце.
Now reading - the most widely used method of transmitting information, and the book - its carrier. However, it was always, at all times. Therefore, it is important to read and even to get involved, because they rightly say: "possess information - have a situation." But what is the use of reading, and whether it is at all?
First, the continuous reading of trains the brain. When you read, the way of seeing the world changes: you start to dream, to create certain "book" images (places, people, events). In addition, improve memory book, broadens the mind, change the spelling. Yes, that's right: when you read, working visual memory, which will not allow in the future to make a mistake in the lyrics. And yet, the frequent focus on teaching reading a book, and anything at all, increases the diligence and mood.
In - the second, with the reading of books increases your vocabulary, there is a particular way of thinking, whereby thoughts clearly expressed and easy to formulate. You can verify this yourself: simply read some classic. After that, any (even the one who had and "two words could not"), notice how much easier it was to use words to express their thoughts. Notice how it easier to express themselves, to look up words. Note that from his lexicon go different words-parasites.
Third reading - just a fun pastime. That's because it can find new companions, friends, associates or topics of conversation with them. And book lovers are very friendly with them is always easy to talk to. You can spend your free time, while enhancing mood and inspiration. In the extreme case - just enjoy a conversation with the author or his story, a story. Reading is not boring, does not become stale: books-that very much, and each of them is unique.
And finally, fourth: Each reading process, in fact - a little journey through time and distance. The book just breaks different timeframe limitations. Only with it you can feel, to understand the thoughts of thousands of writers from different eras and times. Is it not amazing? The mere reading will understand how Defoe thought what outlook was at Wells, and that puzzled Jansson. The mere reading will allow us to feel, to understand, to feel the writer, even if he is already dead. It is for this reason, any, even very old book - a real "time machine", which you may change your whole life.
Generally reading - an essential process in the formative stages of adult personality. A process that begins in infancy, when the child read aloud his parents or relatives. And ending with a mature age, while experiencing personal problems and spiritual growth, when literature rescues from depression sets morals and ideals. Books and reading have on all of us a huge impact, shape us. They make us human. This - all of their benefits!
1.Я ждал в гостиной пока чистили мою комнату
2.Этот замок был построен в 16-м веке
3.Дом наполнился светом и теплом из за больших окон
4.Джейн предложили хорошо оплачиваемую работу и она счастлива
5.Это пальто было куплено 2 года назад
6.Мою машину ремонтируют на данный момент
7.Стадион откроется на следующем месяце