Family and family values are the most important foundation on which the life of any person is built. The formation of personality begins in the family: family values instill the necessary skills for the harmonious development of a holistic nature.
What is the most important thing in the family? It is very difficult to answer this question unequivocally. Love? Mutual understanding? The care and concern? Or maybe dedication and hard work? Or strict adherence to family traditions?
Family and family values are always inextricably linked and do not exist without each other. If there is no family, then family values automatically lose their meaning. No legal relationship between a man and a woman exists and has never existed without fundamental principles. It is thanks to them that for many years the spouses manage to maintain spiritual health, unity and integrity. Traditional family values are built on care and love.
The change and development of society, new views, respectively, form a new understanding of family values. Today, the moral priorities of parents and children differ significantly. In children, the attitude to this concept has a more progressive, but rigid character. This trend is observed due to the fact that each subsequent young generation takes only the most necessary things from the previous one, brings its own family customs and traditions that are currently relevant to it. Of course, such concepts as trust, love, mutual assistance, respect and kindness remain fundamental for a person of the 21st century. But, sadly, they are under pressure from a variety of factors that are caused by the problems of society.
there is/are употребляется для обозначения местоположения предмета или лица,не называвшегося ранее,переводится "есть, имеется,находится."
there is а употребляется с ед.ч.
there are some употребляется с неисч.сущ и мн.ч.
Это конструкция.
1.there is/are+2.subject+3.место.
ехample.1.there is 2.a pen 3 on the table.
на столе есть ручка.
в вопросах is/are ставиться на 1 место и употребляется any..
example. Is there any book on the shelf?
на полке есть книга?
в отрицании к there is/are прибавляется not.
example. there aren't any pens on the table.
на столе нет ручек.
- hey, Jane! can I help? you look tired.
- considering you’re offer for help I want you to meet my friend, please! can you help me?
- Sure thing!
- Aah! That’s very thoughtful of you! You’re awesome!
- well, what time does the train arrive?
- at 6 PM, it will be convenient?
- Acceptable. But… describe her appearance, please.
- She is tall and skinny, she has dark long hair and bright green eyes. and her name is Olga.
- She’s from Russia? Great! what things will she have?
- you will recognize her from millions, because she will be all in black.
- Okay… I don’t want to late, bye! I am already coming out.
- I couldn’t have done it without you. You’re the best. Thanks!
because =)