1. Are
2. who is
3. Are
4. is
5. is
6. Is
7. is
8. are
ответ:епревод задания: Напишите письмо Молли о вашем пребывании в Италии. Используйте Present Continuous, потому что вы пишете о том, что происходит в Италии, о ваших планах
Задание:Dear Molly,
Thanks for your last letter! Sorry i haven't written for so long.
I'm going to visit Сolosseum. I heard about it but I never visited it. Now, I'm going to excursional bus. I hope that excursion will be very interesting!
Also, I'm going to The Trevi Fountain next week.
In Italy the sun is shining now.
Oh, the bus is stopping! (надеюсь, здесь я правильно употребил) I need to go now. Drop me a letter when you can!
Best Wishes,
Объяснение:вроде все.
Masterpiece, according to some definitions, is a work of art that is made with great skill or simply a work done with extraordinary skill. So, what determines whether a piece of work is a masterpiece or not? I guess the key word here is "skill", a.k.a. an ability to do an activity or job well, especially because you have practised it. Now we' ve come to a dangerous conclusion that every car that comes off the assembly line and is made with the help of a robot could count as a masterpice. Nonsense. There must be something we missed. I think the word we're looking for is extraordinary.
The Last Leaf is one of the best-known works of O. Henry, who is well-known for his wit and surprising endings. And, indeed, it's not until the end of the story that the reader realises just how committed Behrman, a frustrated artist who states that one day he will paint his masterpiece, actually is when he sacrifices his own life in order to save Johnsy’s. I think such an irrational and sacrificial act gives us a good example of what is really worth mentioning when you start taking stock of your life. But, alas, such examples cannot be multiplied. And that's what makes them a masterpiece.