Уважаемый Сэр/Мадам,
Я пишу вам для того, чтобы на ваш системный блок, которое я получил в вашем торговом центре два дня назад.
Во-первых, вы говорили что он очень хорошо функционирует но на самом деле совершенно нет! Он лагал на каждом клике моей мышки!
Во-вторых, когда я его приобрел он был полностью разобран что я был в шоке! Но мне мои друзья так как они тоже хотели посмотреть на мой новый компьютер.
Как вы можете себе представить, я был ужасно расстроен этим товаром, которое я получил, и вас дать мне новый пк так как этот был очень ужасен! Или возмести ущерб и вернуть ту сумму за которую я покупал у вас данный товар.
С уважением, *Ваше Имя*
Dear Sir / Madam,
I am writing to you in order to complain about your system unit, which I received in your shopping center two days ago.
First of all, you said that it functions very well but in fact it does not! He lagged on every click of my mouse!
Secondly, when I purchased it it was completely disassembled that I was shocked! But my friends helped me because they also wanted to look at my new computer.
As you can imagine, I was terribly upset with this item I received and please give me a new PC as this one was very terrible! Or reimburse the damage and return the amount for which I bought this product from you.
Sincerely, *Your Name*
My favorite character is Harry Potter. When I was younger I didn’t want to read the book. I was curious about classical literature or some adventure stories. Later my friends invited me to the cinema. I was not busy and so that was the evening when I first met Harry Potter and his brave friends.
He seemed to me the cute and smart boy, who had ups and downs, good friends and bad fellows. After the first episode I downloaded the second and then the third. The story in the film was not enough for me. For my birthday my parents gave me a present: all 8 books of that fantastic story.
I have watched this movie few times and read the books over and over again and found some new details.
Some of my friends don’t like and don’t read books so, but my world had been changed since I met Harry.
I still hope I will see the continuation of this story. But even if not, I will watch it again with my future children.