EX.2. MATCH THE WORDS TO MAKE PHRASES. 1 home a oil 2 olive b sauce 3 a box of c made 4 a carton of d chocolates 5 tomato e milk 6 self f eggs 7 breakfast g cola 8 a can of h service 9 boiled i chocolate 10 a bar of j cereal
A1. Marry liked foreign food. A2. She went to a new Greek restaurant. A3. She found a button in her mouth. A4. After she found it, she called the waiter and told him that she had found a button. A5. After Mary showed the waiter a button, he thanked her and said he'd looked everywhere for the button.
2b ,
C. This is Mary's brother. His name is George. He lives in the city of Chicago and works in a small Greek restaurant there. There is a lot of people coming and having dinner there, because the food is good. Look at that man. He's eating some meat and reading his newspaper. He comes to this restaurant, because he works at 8o'clock quiet near here.
Мэри работала в офисе в Лондоне и обычно ходила на обед в ресторан. Ей нравилась иностранная кухня, и она часто искала в газете названия новых ресторанов. Ей нравилось ходить туда и пробовать новые блюда. Иногда она говорила: "Мне не нравится этот ресторан. Я не буду обедать здесь часто". Однажды она увидела в газете название нового греческого ресторана и отправилась туда на обед. Ресторан был маленький, но очень чистый и симпатичный, а еда была вкусной. Но вдруг Мэри почувствовала во рту что-то твёрдое. Она вынула это и увидела пуговицу. "Официант, посмотрите!", - сказала она. - "Я нашла пуговицу в еде". " " - радостно ответил официант. - "Я везде её ищу".
A. 1. Mary liked foreign food. 2. One day she went to a new Greek restaurant. 3. She found a button in her mouth. 4. She said that she has found the button in her food. 5. The waiter thanked her and told that he has looked for it everywhere.
B. 1 - a 2 - c 3 - b 4 - a 5 - b
C 1. name 2. city 3. restaurant 4. lunch 5. food 6. eating 7. newspaper 8. office
A2. She went to a new Greek restaurant.
A3. She found a button in her mouth.
A4. After she found it, she called the waiter and told him that she had found a button.
A5. After Mary showed the waiter a button, he thanked her and said he'd looked everywhere for the button.
C. This is Mary's brother. His name is George. He lives in the city of Chicago and works in a small Greek restaurant there. There is a lot of people coming and having dinner there, because the food is good. Look at that man. He's eating some meat and reading his newspaper. He comes to this restaurant, because he works at 8o'clock quiet near here.