что с вами? - what is the matter with you?
у меня болит зуб - I have a bad toothache
зубное зеркало - a dental mirror
зонд - a probe
разрушенный зуб - a decayed tooth
заблокировать - to fill
бормашина - a drilling machine
временная пломба - a temporary filling
зуб шатается - a tooth is working loose
корень зуба поврежден - the root of the tooth is damaged
удалить зуб - to extract the tooth
сделать инъекцию - to give a injection
1. everyone has an upper and lower jaw
2. the first set of teeth appears in a child at 3-6 months
3. the second permanent set of teeth appears at the age of 12-14
4. you should visit the dentist twice a year to prevent dental caries
5. oral cavity, gums and teeth must always be ok
ответ:1.) 1.a 2.c, 3. f 4.b, 5. e 6. d
2.)1. reads
2.what Liza is doing now?-Liza is writing a letter
3.Kate met
4. When will Jill come...
5. bought
6. visited
7. hasn‘t just gone
8. writes
9.have just got
10.will swim
3.)1. Did
5. Has
6. Does
4.)why have you bought so much sugar?
what text has she just read?
where will you go on holiday next month
what does Nick do every day?
why does this student going to
when do these students
5.)1. at 5 o’ clock
2. thay are having dinner now
3.Will you go to the library after classes tomor?
4.Do you get up
5.I didn’t meet my
6.I have already done
7. He didn’t visit
9. we have
10.she and he are going to leave