Прочитайте доклад/отчет на странице 70 и ответьте на данные вопросы по докладу.) 1 Who wrote the report?
2 Who is going to read the report?
3 Find words or phrases in the report that have a similar meaning to these words and phrases:
a fi nd out
b if
c generally
d at the moment
e make smaller
f think about
Джошуа Рейнольдс
J.R.was a great English painter.He was
born in Devonshire in the south of England in 1723.His father
was a school teacher.Joshua learned to paint in London and in Italy.People
liked the portraits which Reynolds painted.He worked much in Italy and
visited many cities where he painted.
He became famous portrait painter.
In 1768 Reynolds became the first
president of the Royal Academy of Arts.He made a whole gallery of portraits of the most famous people.
In 1792 the great English painter died.