1) Tom Cruise: full name - Thomas Cruise Mapother IV.
2) He lives in America, Florida state.
3) He was born in the USA on 3 July 1962, in the town of Syracuse, (New York state).
4) He has got a wife and 3 children, two of whom are adopted.
5) Cruz is a fan of Motorsport. He can often be seen on race cars and sport motorcycles. In June 2004, before the filming of "Mission impossible 3" the actor took a special course on driving motorcycles.
6) Thomas Cruise is an American actor, film director, producer, screenwriter, three times winner of the award "Golden globe" and three times nominee for the award "Oscar". The peak of his career is considered his acting in the drama "Magnolia," the award-winning film.
Tom Cruise has acted in dozens of films and has millions of fans all over the world.
1) Том Круз: полное имя - Томас Круз Мапотер IV.
2) Oн живет в Америке, штат Флорида.
3) Он родился в США, 3 июля 1962 года, в городе Сиракузы (штат Нью-Йорк).
4) У него есть жена и трое детей, двое из которых приемные.
5) Круз - фанат автоспорта. Его часто можно увидеть на гоночных автомобилях и спортивных мотоциклах. В июне 2004 года, перед съемками фильма "Миссия невыполнима 3", актер специальный курс по вождению мотоциклов.
6) Томас Круз - американский актер, кинорежиссер, продюсер, сценарист, трижды лауреат премии "Золотой глобус" и трижды номинант на премию "Оскар". Вершиной карьеры считается его актёрская игра в драме "Магнолия", в кинокартине, отмеченной многими наградами.
Том Круз снялся в десятках фильмов и имеет миллионы поклонников по всему миру.
I had a good coach at the gym.
My dad has to train every day for his health.
I am training with my friend at school.
He wrote an excellent essay.
Mary receives a letter from her dad every week.
They follow her after school every day.
Tom is following Mary through the woods now.
Mike always gets in trouble.
Yesterday there was a nice race competition.
Mike and Loren draw beautiful paintings in art class.
Parents need to punish their children for mistakes.
He received a cruel punishment from the police.
People throw a lot of garbage in the streets.
Tomorrow we are visiting an event dedicated to classical music.