1. give out , 2 . give back , 3. gave in , 4. give off , 5. give away
Объяснение: ЭТО ДОЛЖНО ТЕБЕ дарить (подарки), раздавать что-либо, выдавать
He gave away the secret. – Он выдал секрет.
- Give back – возвращать, отдавать.
Give back the book you borrowed. – Верните книгу, которую вы
Give in – поддаваться, уступать; сдавать (письменную работу).
Don’t give in without a fight. – Не сдавайся без борьбы.
Give off – испускать, издавать (запах, дым, свет, тепло).
This lamp gives off a very bright light. – Это лампа очень ярко
Give out – распределять, объявлять , кончаться.
His strength gave out after running that long distance. – Его силы
закончились, когда он пробежал такое длинное расстояние.
2) In primary school I learnt to read texts, to write poems, to make my own desicion, to play the guitar.
I`ve got many friends.
I`ve got only six lessons a day.
I`ve got my favourite teacher.
I haven`t got many classrooms.
I haven`t got favourite subjects.
I`ve got some rules.
I`ve got plenty of textbooks.
3) In secondary school I`ll have: new responsibilities, different subjects, more interesting poems, more home-work, good friends and better marks.
4) I`m scared that :
I won`t be good at maths
I won`t have time for an extra-curricular activity
I won`t have time for playing football
5) My mum is right when she tells me:
Do your best! Don`t forget to do you homework!
Have a great time at school! Be more responsible!