science fiction; a funny story with a happy end; a mystery/detective story writer; fiction; an adventure
story about a professor and his nephew; the biography of a famous writer; to discover sth; to break a compass; to explore the area;
b) a loud snore; to snore loudly; to sigh sadly; a sad sigh; a quiet whisper; to whisper quietly; to cry suddenly; to yawn funnily;
c) to go on a dangerous journey; to travel in a submarine; at first glance; to hide behind the bushes; to get back to smb; to go out; a gust of wind.
This boy has begun a new charity company (этот мальчик начал новую благотворительную компанию)
He has come to the city five years ago (он пришел (в значении прибыл, приехал) в этот город пять лет назад)
I have done me homework three days ago (я сделал свое домашнее задание три дня назад)
The telephone has rung (телефон зазвонил)
He has run in a marathone (он бегал в марафоне)
My friend has swum in a river (мой друг плавал в реке)
Надеюсь, что все правильно))