My favourite holiday is New Year. It's not just getting presents and spending time with family, but also good spirit of this day. I like the way our streets look - they're full of garlands and other types of light. Shops are full of fireworks and Christmas trees.
This day is the most awaited holiday of the year. Firstly, everyone loves to get presents. Secondly, it seems like we're living in a dream. Everybody is so happy and excited, everywhere playing music and so many people walking in really cool and funny costumes, like deers and gnomes. Thirdly, there are so many concerts and events for this holiday. I wish I could visit all of them, but it's impossible sadly. We also have performances at school, but I usually prefer to be a spectator neither participant.
I also like salads that my mom cooks for this day. It's really good, you should try it out. I usually help her, but she never asks me to do that. I'm sad, because it's a family holiday and you should spend more time together, but here she pushes me away.
I'm convinced that New Year is the best holiday of the year. I wish everyone to be happy that day and be healthy during next year!
1. How are you?
He asked me How I was.
2. How long have you been away?
He asked me How long I had been away?
3. Are you going away again?
He asked me if I was going away again.
4. What will you do in future?
He asked me What I would do in future.
5. Why did you come back?
He asked me Why I had come back.
6. What are you doing now?
He asked me What I was doing then.
7. Have you made new friends?
He asked me If I had made new friends.
8. Where are you living now?
He asked me Where I was living then.
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