O PROJECT CHECKLIST 1 Think about your dream school. Write short texts about each of these things the building sports facilities the classrooms the canteen • the people the timetable 2 Find some photos for your poster 3 Make a poster with your texts and photos.
The building of my dream school is huge and handsome. It has a big backyard to play or to do sports, and a lot of windows.
There are a lot of sport facilities to choose: soccer, basketball, volleyball. and for girls there are ballet, gymnastics, dance class.
The classrooms are spacey with a lot of innovations where children can study and also spend their time at a break.
The canteen is large with a lot of tables. You can choose whatever you want to eat.
The children at this school are friendly and teachers are kind and always ready to help.
The timetable is kinda simple, the students have basic lessons like maths, and they can choose extra lessons like PE, science, art etc.
я не уверенна, но постер тебе надо сделать самому/самой, но если что вод диджитал постер(фотографии вырезаны криво специально, чтобы был эффект вырезания вручную)
Туристическое агентство все вам организует они бронируется и покупают билеты на самолет или поезд. Когда ты прибываешь представить агентства встречает тебя в аэропорте или на станции. Ты заказываешь программу экскурсий, которая уже оплачена заранее. Гид рассказывает тебе о многих интересных вещах во время экскурсии. Тебе не приходится беспокоиться о питании. Если тебе не повезло с погодой, в отеле организовывают множество мероприятий. Там могут быть скидки на сезоны, когда наплыв туристов не велик. Это очень удобно и приемлемо.
1. The third-year students will have industrial training next semester, will not they? 2. The third-year students will not have industrial training next semester, will they? 3. Will the third-year students have industrial training next semester? 4. Who will have industrial training next semester? 5. What will the third-year students have next semester? 6. What will the third-year students do next semester? 7. When will the third-year students have industrial training? 8. What will the third-year students have next semester industrial training or summer holidays?
There are a lot of sport facilities to choose: soccer, basketball, volleyball. and for girls there are ballet, gymnastics, dance class.
The classrooms are spacey with a lot of innovations where children can study and also spend their time at a break.
The canteen is large with a lot of tables. You can choose whatever you want to eat.
The children at this school are friendly and teachers are kind and always ready to help.
The timetable is kinda simple, the students have basic lessons like maths, and they can choose extra lessons like PE, science, art etc.
я не уверенна, но постер тебе надо сделать самому/самой, но если что вод диджитал постер(фотографии вырезаны криво специально, чтобы был эффект вырезания вручную)