Birthday is my favorite holiday. Every year, I try to mark it so that there is something to remember.
It's a beautiful day when you get a year older, older, smarter. And I am attracted to this holiday not only gifts, greetings, hundreds of warm words, no. Every year on this day I find some philosophical reflections about the transience of life, about childhood, about growing up. people try to celebrate their Birthday, make it the most exciting event of the year: meet all their friends, have fun with them, discuss plans for the future. ... Birthday is not only a holiday that brings joy, but also a moment of awareness that every year a person grows, and every year he gets a new life experience. Preparation for this day begins in advance. My parents and I decide who to invite, and then I sign the invitations. In addition to invitations, we need to prepare the apartment for the arrival of guests. At home, we arrange General cleaning. Of course, my mother does the main work, but we also help her. Dad, we have a busy person who is almost always at work or on business trips. But it also has a duty to prepare for the holidays. Dad buys groceries and is still searching for a photographer to shoot his birthday. He believes that all the interesting events in the family should be captured on a camera. I think this is correct, then it's nice to look at the pictures and remember the bright moments.
So the whole evening passes. I am very happy at such moments, many friends and relatives came especially for me. This is very cool. When it begins to get dark, guests are reluctant to go home. They are still there, but the time is getting late. My dad always drives my friends around so they don't get home in the dark.
My birthday is coming to an end, the guests have left. I'm getting ready for bed, looking at presents, I don't have the strength. I always leave it for tomorrow.
Том попросил Рона списать тест. Рон отказался и рассказал учителю. Томми получил 0 и разозлился на Рона, потому что его тренер по баскетболу собирается выгнать его из школьной команды из-за плохих оценок. Томми хочет хорошую оценку, так как хочет остаться в команде. Всего лишь неделю назад тренер сделал Томми стартером(наверное лидером или каким-то первым игроком, я не разбираюсь в баскетболе, прости) . Томми очень этому счастлив. Рон тоже в команде, но всего лишь запасной и начинает матчи сидя на скамейке. Он хочет стать стартером тоже.
Birthday is my favorite holiday. Every year, I try to mark it so that there is something to remember.
It's a beautiful day when you get a year older, older, smarter. And I am attracted to this holiday not only gifts, greetings, hundreds of warm words, no. Every year on this day I find some philosophical reflections about the transience of life, about childhood, about growing up. people try to celebrate their Birthday, make it the most exciting event of the year: meet all their friends, have fun with them, discuss plans for the future. ... Birthday is not only a holiday that brings joy, but also a moment of awareness that every year a person grows, and every year he gets a new life experience. Preparation for this day begins in advance. My parents and I decide who to invite, and then I sign the invitations. In addition to invitations, we need to prepare the apartment for the arrival of guests. At home, we arrange General cleaning. Of course, my mother does the main work, but we also help her. Dad, we have a busy person who is almost always at work or on business trips. But it also has a duty to prepare for the holidays. Dad buys groceries and is still searching for a photographer to shoot his birthday. He believes that all the interesting events in the family should be captured on a camera. I think this is correct, then it's nice to look at the pictures and remember the bright moments.
So the whole evening passes. I am very happy at such moments, many friends and relatives came especially for me. This is very cool. When it begins to get dark, guests are reluctant to go home. They are still there, but the time is getting late. My dad always drives my friends around so they don't get home in the dark.
My birthday is coming to an end, the guests have left. I'm getting ready for bed, looking at presents, I don't have the strength. I always leave it for tomorrow.
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