1. When was she there?
2.What was the weather like?
3.How many hotels did she visit?
4.What were they like?
5.How long did she stay there?
6.What places did she visit?
7.What places were popular with tourists?
8.What places did she like?
9. Why did she like them?
0. When did she come back to Russia?
1. When was she there?
2.What was the weather like?
3.How many hotels did she visit?
4.What were they like?
5.How long did she stay there?
6.What places did she visit?
7.What places were popular with tourists?
8.What places did she like?
9. Why did she like them?
0. When did she come back to Russia?
1. If you squeeze an orange, you get orange juice.
2. If you put ice in your drink, it melts.
3. Plants die if you don't water them.
4. If you stand in the rain, you get wet.
5. If you breathe in helium, your voice will go funny.
6. If you don't have the right password, you don't have access the website.
7. If you throw a piece of wood into water, it floats.
8. If today is Friday, tomorrow will be Saturday.
Нулевой тип условных предложений (if Present Simple, Present Simple) используется, когда кто-либо говорит об общеизвестных фактах, случаях.
Первый тип условных предложений (if Present Simple, Future Simple) используется, когда кто-либо говорит о частных (личных) фактах, случаях.
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