1. She thought she was pregnant, but it turned to be a false alarm . 2. His novel was turned by publisher after publisher.
3. She turned the TV.
4. The magician made the rabbit changea bird.
5. She spends much of her time putting fires and navigating red tape.
6. We put at a small hotel for the night.
7. The meeting has been put for a week.
8. The area is surrounded tall trees.
9. The woman screamedhelp.
10. It seems to me he isagony now.
9.This hat will remain in fashion for several more years.
10. Men wear the same shabby old hat year after year and hope that their wives will do the same.
11. This hat is a little behind the road. My husband will say that he is worth a lot of money.
12. I hope you will not mind me paying you a check for the bonnet?
13. Hat is made on the Parisian pattern.
14. Juliet does not like shoes with an open toe; she prefers shoes on a platform with galloon or patent leather.
15. Show me, please, a brown bag of crocodile skin. I hope she comes to my new hat.