In Saturday, my family and I was visitting my grandmother and grandfather, who lived in dacha. When we arrived grandfather was in garden and my grandmother sat on the terrace and waited for us.
afternoon grandfather and father, I went fishing and caught a lot of fish. When we got home that my mother cooked soup.
In the evening I and my grandmother went to the river, while the father was chopping wood for the stove. I fell asleep around midnight. Early in the morning we left for the city. I had a great time and I will miss my grandmother and grandfather.
Red Square - the main square of Moscow, located in the center of the radial-circular layout in the middle between the Moscow Kremlin (to the west) and China-town (east). From the square to the Moscow River is receding Vasilevsky descent.
Это такие факты. а вот просто кратко и понятно:
Unable to come to Moscow and visit the Red Square - it is from here tourists start acquaintance with the country. It is a cultural, historical and political center of the capital and of Russia.
On the square are the place of execution, a monument to Minin and Pozharsky, the Lenin Mausoleum, and next to him at the Kremlin wall - Necropolis.It is better to walk on Red Square on a weekday, as weekends are going to a huge number of tourists. In addition, the weekend more visitors to the GUM and nearby shops.
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