Six sentences have been removed from the review.
Choose from sentences (A-G) the one that fits each gap (1-6).
There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.
Listen, read and check. Then, explain the words in bold.
A He contacted the photographer and travelled to one of the most remote
locations on Earth to find her and her family.
B They even drove alongside Aisholpan and her father as they were riding
their horses, filming out of the open door of their van!
C They knew Aisholpan needed to tell her own story.
D But the crew were creative.
E The most inspirational though, are the ones that are based on true stories.
F She had a dream and, with the support of her family, her own strong will,
talent and self-belief, she achieved that dream.
G But that didn't stop Aisholpan.
What is tornado?
Is a tornado spinning or calm wind?
A tornado is a spinning, whirling wind, isn't it?
Can tornadoes reach speed of more then 250mph.?
What speed can tornadoes reach?
Can tornadoes reach speeds of more or less than 250mph.?
Tornadoes can reach speeds of more than 250 mph., can't they?
Did Theodore Fujita develop a scale to show how strong tornadoes are?
What did Theodore Fujita develop to show how strong tornadoes are?
Did Theodore Fujita develop a scale to show how strong or weak tornadoes are?
Theodore Fujita developed a scale to show how strong tornadoes are, didn't she?