Tamgaly-Tas is approx. 120 kilometres north-west of Almaty city, in Kazakhstan.
The area is famous for ancient stone carvings, (1) which are called petroglyphs. (present simple)
The rock carvings (2) were_ found by archaeologists in 1957. (past simple)
The carvings (3) _were_ made almost 3,000 years ago by a hunting, nomadic community using stone or metal tools but not all of them date from the same period. (past simple)
The daily lives and the spiritual world of the people (4)_are_ pictured: rituals, dances, ornaments, hunting and herding scenes. (present simple)
The drawings (5) _are_ best seen in the afternoon on a sunny day. (present simple)
From the nature of the drawings, it is believed that the canyon
(6) _was_ used as a tribal settlement for nomadic peoples dating from the Bronze Age and later. (past simple)
Some burial mounds and graves (7) _were_ built which indicates the area was also a ritual site. (past simple)
Unfortunately, many of the stone carvings (8) _are_ damaged as the area suffers from shifts in temperature, rock movements and fires in the steppes.
However, the site (8) _is_ registered by UNESCO as World Cultural Heritage and great care (10) _is_ taken to preserve these outstanding natural and cultural features. (present simple)
Long story short
Past Simple используется для одноразового действия в типо поезд уехал в 6: Train left at 6 p. m. Или же человек сделал что-то в какой-то краткий период времени, это действие не заняло времени: I blew up at myself ( я разозлился на себя)
Past continuous используется для обозначения длительности действия, занимающее какое-либо время. For instance: I was eating my breakfast for 10 min at the morning ( я ела его на протяжении 10 мин. действительно, мы не можем просто проглотить еду!) или же he was reading that book, they were here yesterday, I was going to go to the party but now I don't want to do it.
1) I HAVE WRITTEN five emails today.
2) Sorry the kitchen's a mess. Ollie HAS BEEN COOKING.
3) Sorry I'm late! Have you BEEN WAITING long?
4) He HAS BEEN LEARNING English for six years.
5) I HAVE SEEN they film! It was terrible.
6)They've been playing for forty minutes but no one HAS SCORED a goal yet.
7) We HAVE KNOWN each other for years.
8) I really need a break! I HAVE BEEN REVISING all morning!
9) Hey, you look different. Have you CHANGED your hair?
10) Can we go if we HAVE FINISHED?
11) Your hands are realy dirty! What have you BEEN DOING?
12) Who HAS EATEN all the cake? There's none left.