The phone woke Kim up. She was expecting HER mother to call but it wasn't her. The voice on the other end of the line sounded familiar but Kim COULDN'T remember who it belonged to. "Hello," the lady said. "Can I speak to Mrs. Len?" "I'm sorry but she's not at home. She's out. She IS WALKING in the park." It was very cold TO WALK out-of-doors and everything WAS COVERED in snow but Kim's mother walked in all weathers. She believed that it HELPED her keep fit and gave her extra energy. She actually looked younger than other WOMEN of her age and that was probably because of her walking. "Can I take a message?" Kim asked politely. "No. I WILL CALL her later. When is she going to be back?" "She normally COMES home at five." "Fine," came the answer and the phone went dead. Kim felt a bit hurt. "It's not polite to break off a conversation like that," she thought to herself. If I WERE older, I would explain to that lady how to talk to people politely."
The phone woke Kim up. She was expecting (HER) mother to call but it wasn't her. The voice on the other end of the line sounded familiar but Kim (COULD NOT) remember who it belonged to. "Hello," the lady said. "Can I speak to Mrs. Len?" "I'm sorry but she's not at home. She's out. She (IS WALKING) in the park." It was very cold TO WALK out-of-doors and everything (WAS COVERED) in snow but Kim's mother walked in all weathers. She believed that it (HELPED) her keep fit and gave her extra energy. She actually looked younger than other (WOMEN) of her age and that was probably because of her walking. "Can I take a message?" Kim asked politely. "No. I (WILL CALL) her later. When is she going to be back?" "She normally (COMES) home at five." "Fine," came the answer and the phone went dead. Kim felt a bit hurt. "It's not polite to break off a conversation like that," she thought to herself. If I (WERE) older, I would explain to that lady how to talk to people politely."
О 7 ранку король прийшов скуштувати чудовий суп з драконів Клауса.
Після чотирьох порцій він сказав: "Це один з найкращих супів, які я коли-небудь їв!
"" Розумієте, річ, яка робить суп з драконів настільки незвичним, полягає в тому, що він може бути лише тоді, коли дракон сам його готує!
Дозвольте представити свого помічника!
"Клаус покликав, і дракон увійшов, одягнений у високий білий кулінарський капелюх і фартух" Отже, Клаус був радий жити в прекрасному палаці, не покладаючи зусиль.
Дракон почувався добре, будучи помічником королівського кухаря.
Але найщасливішим з усіх був кухонний помічник.
Йому не потрібно було розпалювати вогонь, бо дракон запалив власну піч, стріляючи вогнем з носа!