There are a lot of different professions in the world. As for me, I would like to become a doctor. It seems to me that it’s my vocation. I like to help people. I know that if you want to become a doctor you must be good at studies because a doctor is one of the most responsible professions. People trust doctors the main treasure they have – their life, that’s why doctors must be highly qualified specialists. They must help people at any time and doctors can’t make mistakes. Qualified specialist always diagnoses and institutes therapy correctly. Human life often depends on professionalism of a doctor. They must be openhearted people. They must worry about the health of their patients. My grandmother is a doctor. She is proud of her profession and likes it. I consider this profession to be the best one for me too. So after finishing school I am going to enter the medical academy/university. To conclude, choosing a profession is one of the most important decisions one has to make. We spend at work a lot of hours in our life that is why it has to bring us happiness and satisfaction and you should think well before jumping up to the final decision. I am sure my choice is correct.
Я всегда занят! У занят в школе, домашней работой, футбольными тренировками и моей собакой Джуди. Но у меня есть время на все это. Так проходит мой день: я встаю в 7:00. Я умываюсь, одеваюсь и завтракаю. Я не смотрю телевизор по утрам (это мое правило номер 1). Занятия начинаются в 8:00. В 16:00 я возвращаюсь домой. Что я делаю после школы? Я обедаю, смотрю телевизор или сижу за компьютером. После этого я делаю домашнюю работу, но не каждый день. Почему? Вместо этого я много занимаюсь в школе! (Это мое правило номер 2). В 18:30 по средам и пятницам я хожу на футбольные тренировки Это очень весело! Я прихожу домой в 20:00. Я ем и смотрю телевизор. В 21:30 я иду спать. Ой, я забыл! Каждый вечер я гуляю с Джуди. Она любит гулять со мной! Но у меня не хватает времени на друзей. А жаль! Но мы часто разговариваем по телефону или в интернете. По выходным я бываю ОЧЕНЬ ленив. Я могу лежать в постели и смотреть телевизор весь день!
1. Yes, he is. 2. He wakes up early, gets ready and goes to school. There he spends eight hours studying hard so he doesn't have to do too much homework. At home he relaxes by watching TV and using the computer. He walks his dog in the evening and then goes to bed at half past nine. Twice a week he goes to football practice after school and at the weekends he just relaxes at home. 3. He has time for football practice, homework, school work and his dog. 4. He doesn't have time for his friends. 5. Yes, he has. He's got two rules. He never watches TV in the morning and he works hard at school so he doesn't have to do a lot of homework. 6. He has time for almost everything, but not enough time to meet up with his friends. 7. Yes, he can. At the weekends he can stay in bed all day and watch TV.
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