When I enter the university, I will study a whopping number of subjects so that they can be divided into main and additional ones. As I am going to become a translator after my education, I can consider main and obligatory such subjects as different aspects of foreign languages – speaking practice, grammar lessons etc. Of course making my native language, Russian, better is also very important because a good translator must know his native language perfectly to translate texts to it perfectly. But there are also some subjects that can be optional in the universities. One of them is PE – mature students can provide physical activities for themselves without universities if they need to. Higher maths, in my opinion, should also be optional because not every translator has a need for it. But I adhere to the opinion that university’s decision on which subjects are obligatory and which are not will be the wisest.
Виды времениПримеры Физическое (и химическое)Время угасания старых или рождения новых звезд; время ядерного распада; время протекания химических реакций [например, горения) и др.Биологическое Время появления - роста - вымирания популяций отдельных биологических видов; время физиологических циклов-биоритмов живых существ (репродуктивного, пищевого и др.); время жизни отдельного живого существа (особи); жизненный цикл живой клетки и др.Социальное Время социальных изменений (реформ, революций ит. п.); время социальных институтов и организаций; время информационно-коммуникативных процессов (новости, слухи, мода и т. п.); время социальных конфликтов и др.Психологическое Время протекания психических процессов и состояний человека; время формирования черт личности (характера); время жизненных кризисов человека и др.
Types of timeexamples Physical (and chemical)The time of the extinction of old stars or the birth of new ones; the time of nuclear decay; the time of chemical reactions (for example, gorenje), etc.Biological time of appearance-growth - extinction of populations of individual biological species; time of physiological cycles-biorhythms of living beings (reproductive, food, etc.); life time of an individual living being (individual); life cycle of a living cell, etc.The time of social changes (reforms, revolutions, etc.); the time of social institutions and organizations; the time of information and communication processes (news, rumors, fashion, etc.); the time of social conflicts, etc.Psychological time of the course of mental processes and states of a person; the time of the formation of personality traits (character); the time of life crises of a person and others.