1. We decided to postpone _the_ party for _a_ week. 2. It was _an_ ugly house with too many passages and _a_ glass porch. 3. Peter is _a_ friend of mine. 4. They tried to break _the_ lock with _a_ sledgehammer. 5. __ kings live in __ palaces. 6. An educated man is not happy without __ books. 7. _The_ palm trees along the beach are very tall. 8. Sorry if _the_ truth hurts. 9. From the window she had _an_ enthralling view of the city. 10. I won’t forget you in _a_ hurry. 11. He recognized her at __ first sight. 12. When we last played __ golf you were terrible. 13. She works as _a_ chemist. 14. _The_ sun was getting warmer. 15. We went to _the_ cinema last night. 16. I like ___ ice-cream. 17. He repeated it over and over again until he knew it by heart. 18. Here is _the_ book I told you about. 19. In front of _the_ station there was _an_ elm tree. 20. It was very hot for _the_ time of year.
1) Когда мы пришли домой, наши родители уже приготовили ужин.2) Хелен очистить квартиру, прежде чем ее сестра вернулась домой.3) К тому времени, как мы закончили работу Джон перевел упражнения.4) К 6 часам вчера мы вернулись из кино.5) Грейс была поздно, потому что она бабушке по дому.6) Джон изучал психологию в течение 5 лет, прежде чем он начал работать.7) Кэрол шляться работает как фрилансер из дома с года, прежде чем она сменила работу.8) Как долго Боб работает бухгалтером, прежде чем он получил повышение?9) Мэри работает сверхурочно в течение двух месяцев, прежде чем она пошла в командировке.10) Мы изучали информатику в течение двух лет, прежде чем мы начали работать графических дизайнеров.
2. It was _an_ ugly house with too many passages and _a_ glass porch.
3. Peter is _a_ friend of mine.
4. They tried to break _the_ lock with _a_ sledgehammer.
5. __ kings live in __ palaces.
6. An educated man is not happy without __ books.
7. _The_ palm trees along the beach are very tall.
8. Sorry if _the_ truth hurts.
9. From the window she had _an_ enthralling view of the city.
10. I won’t forget you in _a_ hurry.
11. He recognized her at __ first sight.
12. When we last played __ golf you were terrible.
13. She works as _a_ chemist.
14. _The_ sun was getting warmer.
15. We went to _the_ cinema last night.
16. I like ___ ice-cream.
17. He repeated it over and over again until he knew it by heart.
18. Here is _the_ book I told you about.
19. In front of _the_ station there was _an_ elm tree.
20. It was very hot for _the_ time of year.