1.At first, jeans were made for low-wage cowboys and hard-working miners. Because jeans were cheaper and listened to longer than other pants .
2.Hollywood movies have turned cowboys into heroes. they betrayed the cowboy a more attractive look and because of this, the middle class cowboys decided to dress like in the movies
3.teenagers wanted to show that they are different from their parents
4. they wanted to show that they are not different working classes. The hippies wanted the racial barrier not to separate them .
5. Improved transport routes between countries meant that jeans were produced cheaply and prices fell.
Is he having a shower? No, he is not having a shower.
Are they playing football? No, they are not playing football.
Is the dog barking? No, the dog is not barking.
Is Masha reading magazines? No, Masha is not reading magazines.
Is Marina wearing skirts? No, Marina is not wearing skirts.
Are they visiting their parents? No, they are not visiting their parents.
Is Kris working? No, Kris is not working.
Is she sitting on the sofa? No, she is not sitting on the sofa.
Вопрос в present continuous формируется следующим образом:
Частица be + подлежащее + сказуемое + второстепенные члены предложения.
Отрицание в present continuous формируется следующим образом:
No, + подлежащее + частица be + not + сказуемое + второстепенные члены предложения.
1. We have to clean up after ourselves in the kitchen.
2. We must do our homework.
3. We need to take care of a pet.
4. We should water the plants every day.
5. We must eat fruits and vegetables for proper nutrition.
6. We mustn't smoke in public places.
1. Нам нужно убирать после себя на кухне.
2. Мы обязаны делать домашнее задание.
3. Нам следует поливать цветы каждый день.
4. Нам необходимо ухаживать после домашнего питомца.
5. Мы должны есть фрукты и овощи для правильного питания.
6. Мы обязаны не курить в общественных местах.