1)Complete freedom in choosing the route
2)There are no problems with the transportation of animals
3)Comfortable travel
4)You can save money
1)A long time
2)Not everywhere can be reached by car
3)It is very tiring
Traveling by car is always a big responsibility, especially for the person behind the wheel
I have traveled by car many times. And I can tell you about the main disadvantages.
The first thing I wanted to say is the roads. can often find pits, large stones on the road, because of which the wheel can deflate and slow down your journey for a long time.
Food is the second minus. This is my personal opinion, but while traveling you can hardly have a tasty and satisfying meal. can do this only in a cafe or take a lot of food with you, which can be very costly and take up extra space in the car.
Lack of internet and connection. ..while traveling, you will want to share your impressions of the long journey or thoughts about what you expect to see, but most likely you can do this only when you catch the network or guess the password for something wifi.
..Despite all this, traveling by car is an amazing experience and an opportunity to see a lot of new things .