Healthy lifestyle — the lifestyle of the individual for the purpose of disease prevention and health promotion. HLS is the concept of human activity, aimed at improving and maintaining health through proper nutrition, physical fitness, morale and avoiding harmful habits.
Representatives of philosophical and sociological direction (P. A. Vinogradov, B. S. Erasov, OA Milstein, VA Ponomarchuk, V. I. Stolyarov, etc.) consider healthy lifestyle as a global social aspect, an integral part of society as a whole.
Здоровый образ жизни — образ жизни отдельного человека с целью профилактики болезней и укрепления здоровья. ЗОЖ-это концепция жизнедеятельности человека, направленная на улучшение и сохранение здоровья с соответствующего питания, физической подготовки, морального духа и отказ от вредных привычек.
Представители философско-социологического направления (П. А. Виноградов, Б. С. Ерасов, О. А. Мильштейн, в. А. Пономарчук, в. И. Столяров, и др.) рассмотреть здоровый образ жизни как глобальный социальный аспект, неотъемлемая часть общества в целом.
1. This weekend I'd like to take a trip to the Botanical Garden. 2. Probably, I will prepare for the exams. 3. This summer I would like to relax on the sea. 4. Most likely I will rest at dacha. 5. For dinner tonight I'd like to drink hot cocoa. 6. I will eat what mom will cook. Here are the questions to which I responded, maybe they will help you correctly translate (no need to translate only answers) 1. What would you like to do this weekend? 2. That you'll probably do? 3. what would really like to do this summer? 4. what you'll probably do? 5. What would you like to have for dinner tonight? 6. That you will likely have?
New York is _a_ large city.