1) I am having coffee. Я пью кофе.
2) My fellow-student is reading Exercise II. Мой товарищ-студент читает упражнение 2.
3) We are waiting for the bus to come. Мы ждем, когда придет автобус.
4) They are leaving for London this week. Они уезжают в Лондон на следующей неделе.
5) My friend is crazy. He is constantly playing computer games. Мой друг помешанный. Он постоянно играет в компьютерные игры.
6) Are you going by car? Ты едешь на машине?
7) How long is Carla staying here? Как долго Карла останется здесь?
using a complex addition. 1. I want you to be more attentive. 2. I made her learn this poem by heart. 3. They expected us to participate in the discussion. 4. We want our children to grow up active and energetic. 5. The noise of the plane flying high in the sky made him look up. 6. We'd better go into the house: I don't want you to catch a cold. 7. He made the car run at full speed. 8. We wanted them to be successful. 9. I saw the children run to the river. 10. I want you to translate this article. 11. She heard someone enter the room. 12. I would like you to spend the summer with us. 13. I didn't want you to memorize this text. 14. We expected the delegation to arrive at the end of the week.