Почитай предложения и определи о каком виде спорте говорится в предложениях. Запиши ответы в тетрадь - I think you know all kind of sports. So, my friends, try to guess what kind of sports it is. ()
– a game played on a court with a large orange ball. There are five players on each team ()
– the sport of going on horseback ()
– it is a way of traveling or going on foot ()
– the sport of fighting in gloves ()
– a game played on the field with a round ball. Two teams of 11 players kick it ()
– it is the cheapest but very healthy form of sports. It’s a slow run for exercise ()
2. buy - обычно -Present Simple
3. is drinking - сейчас -Present Continuous
4. are walking - сейчас -Present Continuous
5. is laughing - сейчас -Present Continuous
6. is playing - сейчас -Present Continuous
7. wear -обычно -Present Simple
8. eats -обычно -Present Simple
9. are sleeping - сейчас -Present Continuous
10. do you go -обычно -Present Simple
11. never eat -обычно -Present Simple
12. don't like -обычно -Present Simple
13. are you doing - сейчас -Present Continuous
14. is walking - сейчас -Present Continuous