The day will be especially good for those who are engaged in some kind of large-scale, complex and important projects. Are you sure he is right, do not spend time on doubts and experiences, in time to make the right decision - and for many become an example to follow. Be careful in dealing with the management of: head, inspired by your progress, willingly gives new orders, no regard for your time.Meanwhile overtime today desirable: firstly close need your attention, secondly, fatigue may lead to a deterioration in health.На русском: День будет особенно удачным для тех, кто занят какими-то масштабными, сложными и важными проектами. Вы уверены в своей правоте, не тратите времени на сомнения и переживания, вовремя принимаете верные решения – и для многих становитесь примером для подражания. Будьте внимательны в общении с руководством: начальник, вдохновленный вашими успехами, охотно дает новые поручения, ничуть не считаясь с вашим временем.Между тем работать сверхурочно сегодня нежелательно: во-первых, близкие нуждаются в вашем внимании, во-вторых, переутомление может привести к ухудшению самочувствия. На английском:
Mr. John asked how much this dress costs. She said $ 15. Mr John said it was too expensive. But every night she guerila about this dress. A week later he told my wife that she bought this dress. In the evening, after work, he asked his wife whether she bought that dress. She said no. On the question of Mr. John why, she said that this dress was in the store a week, and no one bought it. If no one needs it, so she does too. 2 the text. And she asked the driver if he sees the guy on the other side of the square. The driver said that sees. And she asked him to bring her to him. The driver laughed and asked if she is afraid to cross the road. She said she invited the guy to lunch at one o'clock. Half now half after 2. But if I arrive by taxi, it would look like I was trying not to be late
2. went
там паст симп (естурдей)