a eto na angliskom yazike? esle da to na.
my institute is better than others, because each lecturer explains the lesson so that it is impossible not to understand it, this should be done every speaker but many institutions do not do that so I think that my very horosshi Institute. I like my institute
a esle na russkom to na.
мой институт лучше других, потому что каждый лектор объясняет урок так что не возможно не понять его, это должен делать каждый лектор но во многих институтах так не делают поэтому я считаю что мой институт очень хоросши. я люблу мой институт.
2. he said that he was not very well.
3. they said that they were going to get married the next month.
4. margaret said that she had had a baby.
5. i said that i did not know what fred was doing.
6. i said that i had seen helen at a party in june and she had seemed fine.
7. i said that i had not seen diane recently.
8. i said that i was not enjoying my job very much.
9. i said that you could come and stay at my flat if you were ever in london.
10. i said that my car nad been stolen a few weeks ago.
11. i said that i wanted to go on holidays but i could not afford it.
12. i said that i would tell anna id i had seen you.
просто заменяешь время на более прошлое в косвенной части:
past perfect
present simple
и т.д.