ответьте на вопросы: 1 .What is Nicky's favourite TV programme? 2 .What kind of programme is it? 3 .Who presents the programme?4 .What happens during the programme? 5 .Why does Nicky like watching the programme?
1. Cut the cucumber, add the dressing to cook, stir and leave for 15-20 minutes. 2. To prepare the food, we need all kinds of seasonings, including herbs, spices, nuts, alcoholic beverages. 3. Mix and warm it in the microwave for about 1 minute. 4. Apples clean, each cut into 4 pieces and cut into thin slices. 5. Before serving, fill with a mixture of oil and mustard. 6. Cut the cucumber, add the dressing to cook, stir and leave for 15-20 minutes. 7. To prepare the food, we need all kinds of seasonings, including herbs, spices, nuts, alcoholic beverages. не знаю 8-10
.On Monday. In the morning I get up and I go to school to gain knowledge. After lessons I usually go home, I do homework, I eat and I have a rest, in the evening before going to bed I brush teeth and I prepare for a dream. So usually repeats all days except days off, to vacation. For example if my friends have a Birthday, I prepare for it. every day a lot of things mean to me, every day at me occurs on the, but most often in that order in which I wrote you earlier. I would like to describe a lot of things.
В понедельник. Утром я встаю и иду в школу чтобы получать знания. После уроков я обычно иду домой, делаю уроки, кушаю и отдыхаю, вечером перед сном я чищу зубы и готовлюсь ко сну. Так обычно повторяется все дни кроме выходных, до каникул. К примеру если у моих подруг День Рождение, то я готовлюсь к нему. каждый день значит для меня многое, каждый день у меня происходит по своему, но чаще всего в том порядке, в котором я вам писала ранее. Мне бы хотелось описать многое.
1 Nicky's favourite TV programme is Britain's Got Talent.
2 It is a talent showthat looks for Britain's next best talent act.
3 Ant & Dec two very popular presenters in the UK present the program.
4 Singers, dancers, comedians and others go on the show and act.
5 Nicky likes watching the programme because it is always very entertaining.