Київ. Це коротке звучне слово – назва міста, корені якого йдуть глибоко в сиву давнину. Його історія нараховує більш ніж 1500 років. Це одне з найстаріших слов'янських міст - столиця ранньофеодальної держави Київська Русь, місто, відоме в історії як «мати міст руських». Один із центрів, де зароджувалася рання слов'янська культура як важлива складова світової цивілізації.
Київ оспівується в піснях, у безсмертному літописі «Повісті минулих літ» (друга половина ХІІ ст.), в епосі «Слово о полку Ігоревім», у романах, операх. Місто зробило величезний внесок у всесвітню історію, науку, культуру і мистецтво.
Kiev. This is a short sonorous word - the name of the city, whose roots go deep into ancient times. Its history is more than 1500 years old. It is one of the oldest Slavic cities - the capital of the early feudal state of Kievan Rus, a city known in history as the "mother of Russian cities". One of the centers where the early Slavic culture originated as an important component of world civilization.
Kyiv is glorified in songs, in the immortal chronicle "Tales of Past Years" (second half of the twelfth century), in the epic "A Tale of Igor's Regiment", in novels and operas. The city has made a huge contribution to world history, science, culture and art.
1. Has he bought a new bike? He hans't bought a new bike. 2. Have I sent a letter to my friend? I haven't sent a letter to my friend. 3. Has she made a very bad mistake? She hasn't made a very bad mistake. 4. Have the children gone to bed? The children haven't gone to bed. 5. Have I seen a mouse in the kitchen? I haven't seen a mouse in the kitcen. 6. Have we met our business partners? We hanven't met our business partners. 7. Have I lost my student identity card? I havent' lost my student identity card. 8. Have they cleaned their rooms? They haven't cleaned their rooms. 9. Have the tourists visited the National Gallery? The tourists haven't visited the National Gallery. 10. Has the teacher checked our tests? The teacher hasn't cheked our tests. 11. Has Harry broked his car? Harry hasn't broken his car. 12. Have I forgotten his phone number? I haven't forgotten his phone numer. 13. Have they left for Rome? They haven't left for Rome. 14. Has Mary seen this film? Mary hans't seen this film. 15. Have we read this detective story? We haven't read this detective story. 16. Has he taken my credit card? He hasn't taken my credit card.
1.I have been studing English since 2006 2. He has been building the house in the village for 2 years 3. They have been reading this book since Friday 4. She has been writing her composition for 2 hours 5. We have been walking to the town since 3 o*clock 6. I have been cooking dinner for my family for half an hour 7. They have been watching a new film for an hour 8. The kitten has been playing with a toy since this morning 9. Ann has been speaking over the telephone for 40 minutes 10. They have been working there since 2008
Київ. Це коротке звучне слово – назва міста, корені якого йдуть глибоко в сиву давнину. Його історія нараховує більш ніж 1500 років. Це одне з найстаріших слов'янських міст - столиця ранньофеодальної держави Київська Русь, місто, відоме в історії як «мати міст руських». Один із центрів, де зароджувалася рання слов'янська культура як важлива складова світової цивілізації.
Київ оспівується в піснях, у безсмертному літописі «Повісті минулих літ» (друга половина ХІІ ст.), в епосі «Слово о полку Ігоревім», у романах, операх. Місто зробило величезний внесок у всесвітню історію, науку, культуру і мистецтво.
Kiev. This is a short sonorous word - the name of the city, whose roots go deep into ancient times. Its history is more than 1500 years old. It is one of the oldest Slavic cities - the capital of the early feudal state of Kievan Rus, a city known in history as the "mother of Russian cities". One of the centers where the early Slavic culture originated as an important component of world civilization.
Kyiv is glorified in songs, in the immortal chronicle "Tales of Past Years" (second half of the twelfth century), in the epic "A Tale of Igor's Regiment", in novels and operas. The city has made a huge contribution to world history, science, culture and art.