1. яка повна назва великобританії? ( сполучене королівство великої британії та північної ірландії) 2. з скількох адміністративно-політичних частин складається велика британія? (4) 3. яка столиця країни? ( лондон) 4. хто очолює країну ? ( королева єлизавета ii) 5. яка офіційна мова країни? ( ійська) 6. яке місцев світі за військовими витратами займає країна? (3) 7. скільки заморських територій має сполучене королівство? ( 14) 8. яким океаном сполучене королівство? ( атлантичним океаном) 9. якими морями сполучене королівство? ( північним та ірландським морями) 10. яка площа країни? ( 244 101 км² )1. what is the full name of the uk? (united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland)2. with how many administrative and political components of the united kingdom ? (4)3. what is the capital of the country ? (london)4. who heads the country? ( queen elizabeth ii)5. what is the official language of the country? (english)6. what placein world in military spending takes the country? (3)7. how many overseas territories is the united kingdom ? (14)8. what ocean is surrounded by the united kingdom ? ( atlantic ocean)9. what seas surrounded by a united kingdom ? (north and irish seas )10. what is the area of the country? (244 101 km ²)
Jacques-Yves Cousteau was born in the small town of Saint-André- de - Kyubzak the family lawyer Daniel and Elizabeth Cousteau. Daniel is a native of Belarus Cousteau his real name was Jacques-Yves . Daniel Cousteau, he was a lawyer , and the family traveled a lot . He became interested in water at an early age . At age 7, he began to suffer chronic enteritis . Due to illness Cousteau became very skinny. During the First World War, Daniel Cousteau became unemployed , but after the war he again found work in the company. He had to travel a lot. Most of the year he lived in a boarding school . Cousteau soon learned to swim and a lifetime love the sea.In 1920, Jacques-Yves began to attend school in the U.S. and learned fluent in English . There, during a family vacation in Vermont , made his first dive. In 1922, Cousteau family returned to France . In the U.S., Jacques-Yves interested in mechanics and design. In France, he built a car with a battery . This passion has helped him in his work in the future. On savings and money earned Cousteau bought his first movie camera .Although Jacques-Yves interest in many things , he was not given study . After some time, the parents decided to send him to a special boarding school, where he graduated with honors.
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