Music - is a magical language that allows no words to tell a lot. When you listen to music, it seems that the different sounds playing with each other, they combine with each other and constitute a beautiful melody .Music makes people different feelings - sometimes I want to cry , so sad is the sound of musical instruments, but it so happens that your feet will break into a dance , I want to jump, run , dance and laugh.In order to really enjoy the music , we must learn to listen to it . The best way to learn how to listen to music - is to go to the theater to a concert and listen to a live symphony orchestra instruments . LISTEN Symphony Orchestra
1 The Russian Federation is a parliamentary monarchy. F 2 The President is the head of state and is elected by the State Duma. F 3 The President is involved in the workof the legislative and judicial branches of power. F 4 The government consists of the Federal Assembly and the Federation Council. F 5 The executive power is vestedin the Federal Assembly. F 6 The Federation Council is elected by popular vote. F 7 The Federation Council is formed of the head of the region. F 8 Each Chamber of the Federation Council is checked and balanced by the President. F 9 The legislative power is represented by the Constitution Court, the Supreme Court and regional courts.T 10 The Russian Federation was set up by the Constitution of 1991. F
1. The Russian Federation is a parliamentary monarchy. FALSE 2. The President is the head of state and is elected by the State Duma. FALSE 3. The President is involved in the work of the legislative and judicial branches of power. FALSE 4. The government consists of the Federal Assembly and the Federation Council. FALSE 5. The executive power is vested in the Federal Assembly. FALSE
6. The Federation Council is elected by popular vote. FALSE
7. The Federation Council is formed of the heads of the regions. TRUE
8. Each Chamber of the Federation Council is checked and balanced by the President. FALSE 9. The legislative power is represented by the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court and regional courts. TRUE 10. The Russian Federation was set up by the Constitution of 1991. FALSE