Hello, (имя друга)! I'm sending you this postcard from USA/Pismo Beach? California. I'm going to stay here for two weeks. It is hot and sunny now and this is cool! I'm having festival "Kite Beach Festival"! Lots of people come here to fly kites on the beach! The best kites win! I will fly a kite and eat ice cream during the festival! I think, this festival is a great fun!
Every morning we hаd english lesons and in the evenings we took part in sporting or entertaining activities. every morning we hаdn’t english lesons and in the evenings we did not take part in sporting or entertaining activities. did we have english lesons every morning and take part in sporting or entertaining activities in the evenings? every day we visited diffrent famоus sights of the capital or went on excursiоns to other cities. every day we did not visit diffrent famоus sights of the capital or go on excursiоns to other cities. did we visit diffrent famоus sights of the capital every day or go on excursiоns to other cities? we sрent a week in london. we did not sрend a week in london. did we sрend a week in london? every day we enjoyed the trip. every day we did not enjoy the trip. did we enjoy the trip every day? две недели назад мы отправились в нашу поездке по обмену в . мы останавливались в спрингфилдской школе. каждое утро у нас были уроки, и по вечерам мы принимали участие в спортивных или развлекательных мероприятиях. каждый день мы посещали различные знаменитые места столицы или ходили на экскурсии в других городах. мы пробыли неделю в лондоне. каждый день мы наслаждались путешествием.
Most of all i love swimming. this is a very useful sport. ever since i started swimming, i stopped hurting . also, very nice to swim. even in a bad mood disappears somewhere. develop different groups of muscles, improves coordination. people, who can swim very well, feel almost like fish. all my friends i recommend swimming. i'm sure they will not regret. больше всего я люблю плавание. это полезный вид спорта. с тех пор как я стал заниматься плаванием, я перестал болеть . кроме того, плавать приятно. даже плохое настроение куда-то улетучивается. развиваются разные группы мышц, улучшается координация движений. люди, хорошо плавающие, в воде чувствуют себя почти как рыбы. всем своим знакомым я рекомендую заняться плаванием. уверен: они не .
Hello, (имя друга)! I'm sending you this postcard from USA/Pismo Beach? California. I'm going to stay here for two weeks. It is hot and sunny now and this is cool! I'm having festival "Kite Beach Festival"! Lots of people come here to fly kites on the beach! The best kites win! I will fly a kite and eat ice cream during the festival! I think, this festival is a great fun!
Надеюсь, я !)