Apple - яблоко, Alphabet - алфавит, Armchair - кресло
Bubble - пузырь, Boy - мальчик, Bed - кровать
Cat - кот, Chair - стул, Children - дети
Dog - собака, Doll - кукла, Deer - олень
Egg - яйцо, Eagle - орёл, Elephant - слон
Family - семья, fridge - холодильник, France - Франция
Girl - девочка, goal - цель, Galaxy - галактика
Honey - мёд, honor - честь, hope - надежда
ice-cream - мороженое, ice - лёд, Italy - Италия
juice - сок, jungle - джунгли, jeep - джип
key - ключ, kitchen - кухня, kite - воздушный змей
Lion - лев, line- линия, light - свет
mother - мама, map - карта, mark - оценка
nest - гнездо, nut - орех, name - имя
ox - бык, oxygen - кислород, operator - оператор
present - подарок, parrot - попугай, pin - булавка
queen - королева, question - вопрос, quiet - тишина
rainbow - радуга, rain - дождь, rabbit - кролик
star - звезда, sister - сестра, sometimes - иногда
tiger - тигр, Taiga - Тайга, trainers - кроссовки
umbrella - зонтик, unicorn - единорог, uncle - дядя
vase - ваза, vegetable - овощ, violin - скрипка
whale - кит, wolf - волк, winter - зима
xylophone - ксилофон, X-rays - рентген, X-mas - Рождество
yellow - жёлтый, yacht - яхта, yak - як
zoo - зоопарк, zebra - зебра, zero - ноль
2. There is much tourism here at this time of the year.
3. It is hard to understand what he means.
4. There are a few interesting music events coming up in our city this month.
5. For music fans it is great to see Robin Andrews appear on the stage.
6. There are twenty questions in the questionnaire and he answered them all.
7. It is a pleasure to do business with such an efficient organization.
8. It is high time you passed your test.
9. It is as foggy today as it was yesterday.
10. There is a lot of crime in the city this year.
11. There are no proper roads in Britain until the Romans built some 2000 years ago.
12. There is a fish and chips restaurant round the corner. It is quite nice I think.
13. There are a lot of stories about Robin Hood, but it is not known exactly who he was or what he did.
14. It is a nice town but there is not much to do in the evenings.
15. There is no improvement in the economic situation over the last three months.
16. The house is really nice. It is a beautiful cottage with a thatched roof. In front of the house there is a rose garden.
17. There is a wide choice of things to do at this sports club.
18. It is a month since we visited grandma.
19. It is easy to set up your own business.