The word volcano comes 1) from the name Vulcan, the Roman god of fire. One in 20 people 2 ) live near an active volcano. 90% of all the volcanoes on Earth are in the 'Ring of Fire' in 3) the Pacific Ocean. Not all volcanoes are on land. Some are 4) under the oceans. The Maleo bird lays its eggs in the soil near volcanoes. It uses the heat to hatch them. The biggest volcano we 5) know about is on the planet Mars. It's called Olympus Mons and it is 600 km wide and 21 km 6) high.
1. old-older (elder) -oldest (eldest)
good-better-the best
bad-worse-the worst
1. brightest
2. best
3. more interesting
4. largest
Level B
1.the most unforgettable
4. worse
Level C
2.They are the most beautiful..
4. New York is one of the biggest..
Сравнительная степень используется, когда речь идет о прилагетельном, которое лучше другого( при сравнении) суффикс er
Например: Она умнее, чем ее сестра - She is smarter, than her sister
Превосходная степень обозгачает превосходство над всеми остальными качествами, лучшее. опред.артикль the и суффикс прилагательного est
Например: цвет самый темный( color is the darkest).