1)Ann bought black shoes three days ago. (стверджувальний);
Ann didn't buy black shoes three days ago. (заперечений);
Did Ann buy black shoes three days ago?.
2)We ate all sweets yesterday. (стверджувальний);
We didn't eat all sweets yesterday. (заперечений);
Did we eat all sweets yesterday? (питальній);
3)He slept too long last morning. (стверджувальний);
He didn't sleep too long last morning. (заперечений);
Did he sleep too long last morning? (питальній).
Past Simple – простое время. Оно используется, если событие произошло в определенное время в и не продолжается в настоящем.
Чтобы образовать Past Simple, нужно употребить вторую форму глагола. У большинства глаголов она образуется путем добавления окончания “-ed” к инфинитиву. Если глагол заканчивается на “e“, добавляется просто “d“, если глагол заканчивается “y“, то она заменяется на “i” перед ):
Отрицательные и вопросительные предложения в Past Simple строятся с добавления формы времени глагола “to do – did” и инфинитива смыслового глагола.
Hi Iris! I want to describe our school, it is very large, it has three floors. on the first floor we have a dining room, and the director's office. on the second floor we have a lot of school offices, inside they are very bright, also because of the large windows we can see the beautiful mountains. on the third floor we have a music room, and the windows are also large too! also in the school yard we have a garden, there are a lot of beautiful and bright flowers growing there. and there are also a lot of plants growing at the entrance to the school. I really want you to see our school.
ответ:1.Verу Glad
2.In a red hockey suit
3 .Handsome guy
4.Looks like a hockey champion
5.You can see from his face that his team won.
6.Wonderful person