(имя друга) - Hello (твое имя)
(твое имя) - Hello (имя друга), wich what elementary school games do you know?
(имя друга) - I know Football, Basketball, Catch, Hide and seek.
(твое имя) - Oh ! I played (название игры, допустим Football) at my PE/sports lessons. Also I played (название игры, допустим Basketball) with my classmates!
(имя друга) - Wow! that is really cool! Do you want to play football someday?
(твое имя) - Yes! Why not? Let`s play it tomorrow
(имя друга) - Okay! Goodbye!
(твое имя) - Goodbye!
In big cities many people live in apartments.
Apartments are often built on top of each other in one building because there isn't enough land for a lot of houses.
Some houses in towns are built together in a row. These are called row houses, or terraced houses.
Some people live in big houses detached from each other.
Other people live in houses called bungalows, or ranch houses.
The old buildings below is called a cottage. It is made of bricks and has a thatched roof.
Rich people sometimes live in big houses called mansions. They have electricity, running water, central heating, air conditioning, nice bathrooms, expensive furniture, carpets, and sometimes even swimming pools! They often have big garden, too.
Some poor families share small apartments with other families. The whole family sleeps in one room, and two or three families share on bathroom.
Some very poor people can't live with other families, so they have to build homes with things that other people throw away, like bits of metal, fabric, or wood.
Many people today are homeless and don't have a home at all. Homeless people sometimes sleep on the street in big cities. In some places there are shelters where they can stay, but sometimes the only thing they have is cardboard box!
1. She plays
2. He washes
3. She drives