Опишите профессию учителя,при этом Вы подробно можете описать один свой рабочий день, написать, почему Вы выбрали именно эту профессию. Ваше эссе должно содержать не менее 10 предложений.
To keep feet people should eat proper food, because they need vitamins. There are a lot of vitamins in froots and vegetables, by the way, they are very-very tasty! But it is not very good for our health to eat cakes, sweets, sausages and other bad food. So if you care for your health, you should take your attantion to compound! Чтобы держать себя в форме, люди должны есть полезную еду, так как им нужны витамины. Много витаминов во фруктах и овощах. Кстати, они очень вкусные! Но не очень хорошо для нашего здоровья есть тортики, конфеты, сосиски и другую вредную еду. Итак, если ты заботишься о своём здоровье, тебе следует обращать внимание на состав!
Did my parents come home at 7 o'clock yesterday?
My parents didn't come home at 7 o'clock yesterday.
3 Harry saw his teacher in the park yesterday.
Did Harry see his teacher in the park yesterday?
Harry didn't see his teacher in the park yesterday.
4 Steve did his homework on Saturday.
Did Steve do his homework on Saturday?
Steve didn't do his homework on Saturday.
5 The children bought 15 balloons for the party.
Did the children buy 15 balloons for the party?
Children didn't buy 15 balloons for the party.
6 Tony took his favourite book to the summer.
Did Tony take his favourite book to the summer?
Tony didn't take his favourite book to the summer.