На урок нельзя опаздывать без уважительной причины.
• Всё необходимое для урока: тетради, учебник, карандаши, линейку — приготавливай заранее.
• На уроке веди себя тихо, будь старательным. Объяснения учителя слушай внимательно. Не разговаривай с соседями и не отвлекайся на посторонние занятия.
• Если ты хочешь ответить на вопрос учителя или задать свой вопрос, не кричи с места, а подними руку.
• Если отвечает твой одноклассник, нельзя перебивать его ответ, подсказывать ему. Подними руку — учитель обязательно заметит твою активность.
• Когда вызывают отвечать тебя, говори громко и чётко, выражай свои мысли полными предложениями.
• В тетрадях пиши разборчиво и аккуратно. Небрежность и неразборчивость почерка допускать нельзя — это выражение элементарного неуважения к тому, кто будет проверять твои тетради.
• Во время урока нельзя жевать резинку.
• Некрасивым и недостойным занятием считается списывание.
• Услышав звонок, извещающий об окончании урока, не срывайся с места, стремясь побыстрее выбежать из класса. Дождись, когда учитель закончит урок, и запиши домашнее задание в дневник, чтобы вечером не тревожить телефонными звонками своих одноклассников.
1 The upper part of a man’s body. CHEST
2 The part of the face above the eyebrows. FOREHEAD
3 The part of the face between the nose and the ears. CHEEK(S)
4The part of the body from hand to the shoulder. ARM
5 The part of the body that connects the head and the shoulders. NECK
6 The end of the human arm. HAND
7 The front of the head. FACE
8 The joint between the two parts of the arm. ELBOW
9 The eye cover when the eyes are shut. EYELID
10 The hair that grows on the edge of the eyelid. EYELASH
11 The thin line of hair above the eye. EYEBROW
12 The part of the face above the eyes. FOREHEAD
13 The natural colour and appearance of the skin (esp. the colour of the face). COMPLEXION
14 The face and its expression. COUNTENANCE
15 A small, light-brown spot on the skin ( esp. on the face and hands) produced by sunburn. FRECKLE
1. Last year he didn’t go to the South because of the illness.
Why didn't he go to the south ?
2. He went to the theatre two days ago.
When did he go to the theatre?
3. She didn’t tell him the truth.
Why didn't she tell him the truth
4. His father came to his school and had a long conversation with his teacher.
Why did his father come to his school and has a long conversation with his teacher.
5. These students were usually late for their classes last year because they
had transport problems.
Why were these students usually late for their classes last year?
1. -Look, it's rainning again. (rain)
-Yes, it rain most days at this time of year. (rain)
2. Goodnight, I am goingto bed (go) I always go to bed early during the week.
3. These cheese smells awful. (smell)
4. Maize doesn't grow in Britain. (not grow)
5. It - snow. (not go) out.
6. My friends (will) come next week.(come)
7. Children usually sleep very soundly. (sleep)
8. Love makes the world go round. (make)
9. Do you eat meat? (eat)
10. We have a meeting come and join in. (have)
11. She hates going to parties. (hate)
12. She is having shower, now. (have)
13. I believe he was not to blame. (believe)
14. This book belongs to Mark. (belong)
15. I know him very well. (know)
16. His French gets better. (get)
17. Do this coat belong to you? (belong)
18. The tap - can you fix it? (run)
19. He plays football this season. (play)
20. Hello - you the party. (enjoy)