Хелпаните кто может Writing Task 2. Choose one of the topics to write about. Use appropriate vocabulary and basic connectors (and, before, after, because, so etc.). Pay attention to grammar. TOPIC
1 1. What do you know about 3D printing? 2. Have you ever seen a 3D printer or 3D printed object before? 3. What do you think is possible impossible to 3D print? 4. How do you think 3D printing can impact people's lives? 5. Do you think that people will ever use 3D printers in their homes? Why / why not? 6. How would you use a 3D printer if you had one? 7. Why is the threat of 3D printing to intellectual property such a problem?
ðɪs ɪz ə ˈstɔːri lɒŋ əˈgəʊ. ɪt ɪz əˈbaʊt ə kaɪnd əʊld ˈfɪʃəmən. hiː lɪvz wɪð hɪz waɪf ɪn ə ˈvɛri smɔːl haʊs. ðə ˈfɪʃəmən wɜːks hɑːd, bʌthiː ɪz ˈvɛri pʊə. wʌn deɪ ðə ˈfɪʃəmən ˈkæʧɪz ə smɔːl ˈgəʊldən fɪʃ. "əʊ, pliːz lɛt miː gəʊ," sɛz ðə fɪʃ, ænd juː kæn hæv ˈɛnɪθɪŋ juːwɪʃ!" "dɪə ˈlɪtl fɪʃ," sɛz ðə kaɪnd əʊld mæn, " ɛl duː nɒt wɒnt ˈɛnɪθɪŋ!" ænd hiː lɛts ðə fɪʃ gəʊ.