4 ag 1 2 1 2.04 Complete the names of places 1-10 with the words in the box. Then listen and check. 1 Desert Falls Forest Lake Mountains Ocean Pole River Sea Valley
My doll This is my doll. Her name is Polly. She’s a big DOLL. She’s got big blue EYES, little ears, a short NOSE and a little red MOUTH. Her HAIR is long and yellow. She’s got two arms: this is her right ARM and this is her LEFT arm. She’s got ten FINGERS: five on her right hand and five on her LEFT HAND. Her fingers are LONG (SHORT). She’s got long legs, little RIGHT and LEFT little toes: five on her RIGHT foot and FIVE on her LEFT FOOT. My doll is very SMART. She can do many things: with her HANDS she can eat tasty things; with her LEGS and feet she walks; with her tongue and lips she CAN TALK . And with her EARS she can hear me. I say: “Polly, dear!” and my doll says: “Ma-ma”. I think my doll is very nice and BEAUTIFUL. I love my doll.
Hello, my diary! Today i want to write about so many things that hapened in my life in past few days. First i started to study hard and be less egoistic with everyone who loves me and supports me. Actually, i tried to live like this before, but i was too weak to keep on going. But i think the Main thing i did this is that i stopped eating too much. First beginner steps were very difficult: it was unpleasant for me to stop drinking Coke and eating a big Bag of donuts, start sportying a least once a week. And only one thing showed that i shouldn't give up in my fight : big problems with my health. Doctors were saying to me that if wont stop living that lifestyle, i would be dead after 3-4 years. Those years i could live lying in the hospital bed and dying slowly, painfully and depressively. So, what do i want to say, my friends: just stop being so lazy, stop eating so much junk food or you will loose your chance to live happily and have a strong health!
This is my doll. Her name is Polly. She’s a big DOLL. She’s got big blue EYES, little ears, a short NOSE and a little red MOUTH. Her HAIR is long and yellow.
She’s got two arms: this is her right ARM and this is her LEFT arm. She’s got ten FINGERS: five on her right hand and five on her LEFT HAND. Her fingers are LONG (SHORT). She’s got long legs, little RIGHT and LEFT little toes: five on her RIGHT foot and FIVE on her LEFT FOOT.
My doll is very SMART. She can do many things: with her HANDS she can eat tasty things; with her LEGS and feet she walks; with her tongue and lips she CAN TALK . And with her EARS she can hear me. I say: “Polly, dear!” and my doll says: “Ma-ma”.
I think my doll is very nice and BEAUTIFUL. I love my doll.