1. I said that I had been there the week before.
2. He told Porter to take that luggage to Room 149.
3. He asked Mary if she often visited her friends.
4. She says that she is going to spend a week in Spain.
5. The teacher told that we would write that test the following day.
6. Borys asked Katia if she would stay in that hotel.
7. Anna asked me if there was any flowers in front of my house.
8. The mother asked me if I had slept well at night.
9. Misha said that he had already had his breakfast.
10. She said that she had seen them at her parents' house the week before.
11. He told his mother to bring him a cup of tea.
12. She said that she had bought those books at that shop the day before.
13. She says that she shall do everything tomorrow.
14. He asked his daddy what was the matter.
15. The man said that he had left in Moscow in 1998.
16. She said that she would come there the following day if she had free time.
17. I said that she might send me a telegram when she arrived there the following week.
18. She said that she didn't often see him there.
19. He says that he likes to spend much time in the forest.
20. She asked Katia what colour was her new dress.
21. We said that we shall had left for the North by June.
On the one hand, it is gender discrimination. For example, I wasn't taken to the preparatory courses in flight school only because I am a girl.
On the other hand, it is right. There are many professions that require physical strength, quick response and masculinity. For example, the loaders, drivers, firemen and others.
In conclusion, I want to say that a woman should be feminine and beautiful, and a man should be strong and brave. I think the important thing for a woman is to give birth to a child and to engage the family and everyday life. And a man should earn money and protect his family. I want to say that everyone chooses his own way in life. I think nothing makes a person to love life, you just need to look seriously into the future and think about a career, your future work and a family.
Начну с того, что по данным социологических исследований в нашем мире действительно существует проблема полов. Во-первых, существуют ограничения по половому принципу при поступлении в некоторые учебные заведения. Во-вторых, некоторые работодатели не любят брать на работу женщин, мотивируя это тем, что рано или поздно женщина решит родить ребенка и работодатель будет вынужден предоставить ей оплачиваемый отпуск.
С одной стороны, это дискриминация по половому признаку. Например, меня не взяли на подготовительные курсы в летную школу только потому, что я девушка. С другой стороны, это правильно. Существует много профессий, которые требуют физической силы, быстрой реакции и мужественности. Например, грузчики, машинисты, пожарные и другие.
В заключении хочу сказать, что женщина должна быть женственной и красивой, а мужчина должен быть сильным и смелым. Я считаю, что главное для женщины, родить ребенка и заниматься семьёй и бытом. А мужчина должен зарабатывать деньги и защищать свою семью. Я хочу сказать, что каждый сам выбирает свою дорогу в жизни. Я думаю, ничто не заставит человека любить жизнь, для этого нужно просто серьезно смотреть в будущее и думать о карьере, будущей работе и семье.