Надо сделать задания 156. Define the functions of the Infinitives in the sentences below.
1. The news-teller may not resort to conjecture or supposition.
2. Their task was to designate the boundaries of the region.
3. It is necessary to tap useful sources.
4. It is the story to hit the headlines.
5. The story is important enough to find its way into a stop press column.
6. He decided to attract readers’ attention by including a sound bite in the article.
7. To tell the truth, you have got hold of some back copies.
8. He wrote to a chief editor to ask him for a job on his rag.
9. BBC-1 began to present more programmes of general interest.
10. Someone hacked into our company’s computer as if to destroy our files.
11. The aim is to raise the national media’s analytical, informative, aesthetic standards to the international level.
12. The journalist was glad to have got free access to printed matter.
157. Define the Complexes with the Infinitive in the following sentences.
1. We believe this magazine to be an example of a famous fashion glossy.
2. Everybody wanted the speaker to come down to brass tacks.
3. It is important for pensioners to get special concessions on buses and trains.
4. We are anxious for this channel to place greater emphasis on minority interests.
5. It is just the paper for me to subscribe.
6. If you subscribe to newspapers, you are certain to get hundreds of messages.
7. Some ISP’s let the users screen out unwanted mail.
8. They happened to install update anti-virus software.
9. He seemed to have written to an agony aunt.
10. It is interesting for me to read the obituaries about the lives of well-known people.
11. I find the classified ads to be very helpful if you want to sell something.
12. They are expected to subscribe to chat rooms.
1. I never take part in any competitions.
2. Sometimes I win the competition.
3. If you don't believe in your luck, you can miss a very good chance.
4. I'm afraid he has already missed his chance.
5. Every leaf means a lucky month in the next year.
6. What gave a new beginning to the history of long distance communication?
7. Does she mind his travelling by air?
8. Is she going to give up playing tennis?
9. I hope to win the Round-the-World tour.
10. I think computers are waste of time because children become nervous, angry and tired.