For a very long time, people did not know about the existence of space and other bodies outside our planet. In many versions, our ancestors explained the creation of our planet, stars, sun, clouds and other concepts. There was a legend according to which the Earth stood on the shell of a great turtle, which lay on the backs of three elephants, and the elephants stood on three whales that swam in the world's oceans. Also, for a while, people thought that the Earth was flat and stationary. Over time, these stories were refuted, and people moved in small steps towards the solution.
The universe is huge. Scientists say it continues to expand.Eight planets revolve around the Sun, including our Earth. The moon is a satellite of the earth. Previously nine objects were considered planets. But in 2006 scientists decided that Pluto did not meet the definition of a planet. It is now considered a dwarf planet.No one knows for sure if there are habitable planets like Earth somewhere in the universe. So far, we can only guess.
Вселенная огромна. Ученые говорят, что она продолжает расширяться. Вокруг Солнца вращаются 8 планет, среди которых наша Земля. Луна - это спутник земли. Ранее считалось, что планет девять. Но в 2006 году ученые решили, что Плутон не соответствует определению планеты. Теперь он считается карликовой планетой. Никто точно не знает, есть ли где-то во вселенной обитаемые планеты, подобные Земле. Пока мы можем только гадать.
Did you know?
1. Two thirds of the 1. surface of the the Earth is 2. covered in water.
2. El Azizia in Libia is the hottest place in the 3. world, where 4. temperatures of over 57 degrees Celsius have been recorded.
3. The coldest 5. place on earth is probably Vostok in Antarctica, which 6. ? the temperature minus 89 degrees Celsius.
4. The Kruberia-Voronjia Cave near the Black Sea 7. coast in Georgia is the 8. deepest cave in the world. It is over 2000 meters 9. deep.
5.The highest 10. waterfall in the world is the Angel Fall in Venezuela. It is 979 meters high.
6. The Pacific is the largest 11. ocean in the world and is nearly 12. twice the size of the Atlantic Ocean.